Setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500
Setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500

setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500

#Setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500 full#

Click the settings button the lower right and attach a screenshot of the full screen. so let's stop it here.Quote See this sticky. but I've have nearly finished mu converting. It was a very bad experience to work with EzGrapper and I have no need for the facilities in PowerDirector12.

setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500

I then cut this file into smaller sequences each of 2-3 min. PowerDirector 12 is even worse for my purpose - I just need a good and stable Grapper able of converting a whole tape to a big raw file. I think it's a very low quality program - why so sensitive - my tapes are/was new tapes recorded 1 time and there is no noise or scratch to see or hear. Too EzGrapper is effected by the PAUSE-screen - you have to turn PAUSE-screen OFF - when the screen is paused EzGrapper resets and the current recording and puts it into a sort of HALT-mode - no matter how long it had been recording- it comtinues when you touch mouse/keyboard but what WAS recorded before vanishes ! I found another strange behavior of EzGrapper - the last 3 times I rebooted my computer I too had to reinstall EzGrapper !Īfter a reboot when EzGrapper was started - just started, not even grapping anything - it polluted my desktop with empty grapper-files named as EzGrapper do with the date and time - 15-20 files - I had it set to store thegrapper files on the desktop, yeah, that's my setting - but the empty files - wonder where they came from. It's not polite to use a potty-mouth on this forum. I'm not sure how you might stop your computer from going sleepy on you other than in power management. You are using a video camera and I have never actually got that message unless using a VCR, so I'm still suggesting dirty heads or tapes, and as mentioned before in the thread rewinding (under supervision) a few times may even the tension and flitter away some dust/dirt. I can see the screen is off - WHERE IS THAT SETTING ?ĮDIT: OK, maybe the PAUSE screen can f#$% up the recording too !It's not polite to use a potty-mouth on this forum. I have looked in the BIOS to see if there was anything on the harddrive - nothing there ! In fact the FILE ONLY CONTAINS recording from I woke up the computer until I stopped recording !!!!!!!!!!!!!Īnd now the best part of it all - I have settings on sleep/snooze that is "NEVER" When I came back to the computer and sees it's in sleep/snooze mode, I touch the mouse and sees it's stil recording, BUT.

setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500

I records a Video8 tape and it takes around 1 hour depending of size of tape, but the computer goes into sleep/snooze mode after some time ! Quote I found out why EzGrapper only records some few minutes !

setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500

close to Hokus Pokus and magic !Īt least Hokus Pokus and magic is used to explain a lot of the problems in the process. I think this process converting video tapes to computer a very very un-stable process. I PLAN to get my old tapes grapped in som BIG raw files I then will cut into smaller sequences of 2-5 minuttes.Ī) the BIG raw files ca't be played back - just a blue screen where I can move into the whole file but it will not ply by itself.ī) if the BIG rax file is playable and looking good - when I start to cut it into smaller files - these files are NOT showing smoothlyĮzGrapper sometimes just stops recording and starts again as though it records in a loop = what should be a BIG eaw file - lets say 4 Gb as a copy of a tape - it's only 1 Gb and has only the last part of the tape.Īnd I'm just using 3:4 in quality 3 of 7. Your issue could even be interference from other very close electrical interference as well as subpar old ratty cabling. The copyright warning is from a dirty signal, Macrovision is artificial noise.

Setup camcorder for live streaming using diamond vc500